Tan Tong Whatt family

Tan Tong Whatt  (Tan Tong Watt) 陳冬發

1861 - 1907 , 46 years old 

Ancestry place Fujian Haicheng 


A Big Property Owner

Straits Times 16 Sep 1897

Freehold Land Sale

Tan Tong Whatt bought shares in the following property:
All those 2 peices of freehold land comprised in 2 indentures dated the 20th Feb 1883 situate in the district of Claymore, Singapore marked lots 8 and 9and containing an area of 2,944 and 6,220 sq ft, respectively with the 9 houses thereon erected, 
Municipal Nos 64 - 72, Campong Martin, with a monthly rental of $63
The property was sold for $5,300 to Mr Tan Tong Watt

The Straits Budget, 12 Oct 1901, Pg 15
Big Land Sale

57 South Boat Quay
22 Circular Road - $63,000
58 South Boat Quay
20, 21 Circular Road - $81,000 

Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser 27 Nov 1901 Pg 3
Freehold land , 24,123 sq ft,9 and 10 Selegie Road, 9 being shop house and 10 being European residence, bought for $8,000

The Straits Budget, 11 Feb 1903, Pg 7

The Chinese New Year Sports

In the evening, there was a capital disply of Cantonese fireworks, this being the first of the kind ever given in Singpaore and they were provided by Mr Tan Tong Whatt.

14 Jan 1907

Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser Pg 4

Death of Tan Tong Watt on the 12th of Jan 1907 at his residence at 28 Mohamed Sultan Road, late Storekeeper of Messrs Behn Meyer n Co, age 46

5 Mar 1907
Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser 

Application was made for the letters of administration of the estate of the late Tan Tong Whatt. A will drawn by Messrs Van Someren and Khory was produced also a codical, but found not to be admissable, owing to the witnessing of the deceased 's signature being irregular.

The Straits Times Pg 10 Advertisment Column Jan 10, 1908

Auction sale of Tan Tong Whatt estate which consists of various properties begins

Death of Tan Tong Whatt mother

The Straits Times, 24 Apr 1913 Pg 8

Mrs Tan Beng Hin, nee Wee Ong Neo, passed away on Apr 24 at No 1Tong Whatt Road, Singapore at age of 81, leaving behind her two sons Tan Tong Whatt, and Tan Tong Seng. Funeral on Apr 30.

The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser , 11 Jun 1908, pg 382

Court of Appeal

Estate of Tan Tong Watt

Plantiffs were Tan Eng Wan, an infant, by Lim Tay Hin, his next friend

Tan Seok Hin Neo, and the said Lim Tay Hin, her husband
Koh Geng Neo, widow, all of No 18 Mohamed Sultan Road 

Defendants  Ang Hok Eng, and Koh Geng Neo, executors and trustees  

Ong Yut Meng, Tan Quee Eng, Tan Swee Eng, Tan Geok Lim, Pek Yong, and Tan Eng Jin

The Straits Times 15 Jun 1908 Pg 6
Pek Yong and Tan Eng Jin withdraw provided Ang Hok Keng and Koh Geng Neo executors and trustees pay into Court, within 3 months, out of monies belonging to the estate, the sum of $3000 to be invested in Government or Municipal stock for the benefit of the widow and child

The value of the estate was $68,000

The Straits Times 6 July 1909 pg 8

Estate of Tan Tong Watt

Land Sale

No 1 Toah Pyoh Freehold land area 58,516 sq ft together with fish pond and houses 22, 23, 24, 25 Thomson Road

No 2 Tanglin and Claymore Free Hold land, area 28,704 sq ft, with frontage to Jervois Rd

No 3. Toah Pyoh Freehold land, area 3 acres, 1 rood 20 poles, off Boon Teck Road

Brother - Tan Tong Seng

Mrs Tan Tong Seng nee Chan Seok Lee Neo died on Dec 30, 1923 at No 1 Tong Watt Road, in her 67th year . She leaves behind her son Tan Eng Yam and two daughters.  Funeral on Jan 3, 1924 at the family burial ground, Boon Teck Road.

Tan Quee Eng


live in 16 Tong Watt road since at least 1935

Reward for the lost of one Dalmatian Dog with Municipal badge No 7651.  
Address : Tan Quee Eng, 16 Tong Watt Road

He died in 5 Jun 1975 at the same residence 


南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 2 November 1933, Page 7

陳冬發- 新加坡某英商買辦



南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 19 November 1933, Page 1


繼華英之後,1921年在大坡創建的,是位於二馬路的中華戲院(Palacegay Theatre),創辦人據說是祖籍福建海澄的陳桂榮,標榜專演「國產影片」。1936年易名為東方戲院,日據時期稱為東方劇場(Toho Gekijyo)



Tan Kim Keoh

Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun), 13th March 1944 Pg 2

The marriage took place on March 10, 2604, at 39B Guan Chuan Street,  between Mr Quek Tio Kwang, eldest son of Mr Quek Seak Chuan, and the late Madam Kho Hong Choo of Borneo, and Miss Tan Kim Keoh, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Tan Quee Eng of Syonan


The Straits Times, 27 June 1999, Page 45

Madam Tan Kim Keoh, whose mother was Mdm Wong Fong Yee) passed away on 26th June 1999 at the age of 76

Tan Kim Leng
The Straits Times 12 Dec 1945 Pg 2

The engagement was announced in Singapore on 9th ec 1945 between Mr Billy Wee, only son of Madam Irene Sim and Miss Maureen Tan Kim Leng, fourth daughter of Mr Tan Quee Eng

The Straits Times , 5 Jun 1975

Death of Tan Quee Eng

Tan Quee Eng aged 83 passed away on 3.6.75 leaving behind his wife, 3 sons, 1 daughter in law , 6 daughters, 4 sons in law, 16 grandchildren and  grandson in law . Cortege leave 16 Tong Watt Road for cremation on Saturday 7-6-75 


The Straits Times, 10 June 1975, Page 23




Mr. Tan Quee Eng, style name Xianhua, aged forty-nine, is a native of Haicheng, Fujian, but was born and raised in Singapore. His father, Tan Tong Watt, and his mother, Mdm Ong, were both from a family of entrepreneurs. His father, in particular, was a prominent businessman in Singapore, having constructed numerous properties in Mohamed Sultan area, which the British government later named Tong Watt Street in his honor.

Mr. Tan started his education at an English school at the age of seven. However, he left school at the age of fourteen to work at the warehouse of the Western merchant Messrs Behn Meyer n Co.. This was because his father had previously held a significant position at the warehouse, and after his father's passing, Mr. Tan took over the role. Later, he moved to the Bajia Limited company, where he worked for fifteen years in various roles, including purchasing, managing the rubber warehouse, and overseeing the general store. He eventually left the company to start his own business, raising capital to establish the Nanyang Film Company and the Nanjing Film Company. He also invested in the PalaceGay cinema , the Huaying Cinema, and the Mandala Stage.

These were his past endeavors. Currently, he is involved in the Li Chun Yuan and the Rongkang New Year's Troupe, as well as being a shareholder in the Tianyi Jing Grand Hotel and the Guang'an United Hotel. Despite his business acumen, Mr. Tan is a man of refined tastes, with a deep appreciation for music and drama. He is known for his philanthropy, serving as a board member of the Nanhua and Zhonghua girls' schools, and being involved in various clubs and societies, such as the Guosheng Music Society, the Tongde Newspaper Society, the Zhongxing Chinese Association, and the Overseas Comrades Association. He has also donated generously to the Anti-Japanese War Relief Fund.

Mr. Tan is fluent in both Chinese and English, and has a vast collection of Chinese and Western books. He is often referred to as the "two chiefs". He is married to Mrs. Huang, and they have three sons and five daughters. 

Their sons are named Khuan Han , Khuan Liat, Khuan Teck while their daughters are named Kim Keoh, Kim Yam, Kim Bee, Kim Leng and Kim Tian . All of their children are well-educated and have a good understanding of propriety.
