
李忠石 Lee Tiong Sek 

Lee Tiong Sek was born 1876, and died on the  8th December, 1950 at the age of 74 years old 
He was buried at Kopi Sua at Mount Pleasant. 

Lee Tiong Sek Tomb at Kopi Sua

庚寅十月廿九日 Dec 8, 1950

男 Sons 


孫 Grandsons 








李達生 Lee Tat Seng 

李偉生 Lee Wee Seng 

李雅文 Lee Ngan Boon

李純生 Lee Soon Seng 

李鐘生 Lee Cheong Seng 

李育生 Lee Yoke Seng 



李君忠石·字自華,號斌生 福建永春城內人·父尤武翁·母氏楊太夫人·太夫人生君於祖國·少通六經四子、為遜清茂才·清末·承選州城議事會會長·夫毒社亦為社長·民國聯合會為坐辦·為人曠達·小視生產·特重為人排難解紛·此蓋有得於魯仲連之人生觀也·是故里閈毗鄰·一有任何爭·君卽出任仲裁·詞分尤善·品德淸高·出口有莊有諧·吐詞涉事·口吻生花·當是之時·两造但見君炎炎詹詹·語語中的剖微·相視啞然·遂忘却本來同坐此為何事·同聽此為何事·一笑而各付之冰釋耳·天性樂哉快哉·得失可忘懷也·常與友人詩酒徜徉·微酣後·或絲或竹·或曲或歌·必盡所歡而散·一日裹二俑人·一生一旦·來客旅找余·(時余住石叻益生客館)相見並不寒暄·遽出兩俑·一扮陳春生·一作梅良玉·托在掌中·演小說(思釵)一劇·逆旅主人寓客·無不疑為布袋戲匠·又思明富紳林某適壽辰·君亦賀客·同筵擬舉一人為代表致賀詞·其人須具有二多之稱·俗謂好命八·方合格·君恰中選。用紅箋繕寫一篇·句皆詼諧·而又通俗·(以東為韻)誦未終篇·人皆絕倒·是眞東方朔枚臯之流也·配王女士·

子女孫曾甚多. 子芝唐·宜豋·汎舟·芝皇·進漳·

芝唐嘗商于三寶壠. 快樂俳諧如其父·

Mr. Lee Tiong Sek, courtesy name Zihua, also known as Binsheng, was from Yongchun city, Fujian. His father was Mr. You Wu, and his mother was Madam Yang. Madam Yang gave birth to him in China. In his youth, he mastered the Six Classics and the Four Books, and became a talented scholar in the late Qing dynasty. At the end of the Qing era, he was elected as the chairman of the City Council. He was also the chairman of the Poison Society and served as an executive in the Republican League.

He was a man of broad-mindedness who placed little importance on material wealth. He was particularly skilled at resolving conflicts, which seemed to be influenced by Lu Zhonglian's life philosophy. As a result, whenever there was any dispute in the neighborhood, he would be called upon to arbitrate. He was especially good at analyzing arguments, had high moral standards, and spoke with both dignity and humor. His words were relevant and eloquent. During arbitrations, both parties would be captivated by his clear and detailed analysis, often forgetting why they were there in the first place, and disputes would be resolved with laughter and reconciliation.

By nature, he was joyful and carefree, able to forget gains and losses. He often enjoyed poetry and wine with friends. After a few drinks, there would be music from string or wind instruments, songs or operas, always ending the gatherings on a high note.

One day, two puppet performers - one male lead (生) and one female lead (旦) - came to visit him (at the time he was staying at the Yisheng Hotel in Singapore). Upon meeting, without exchanging pleasantries, they quickly produced two puppets - one portraying Chen Chunsheng and the other Mei Liangyou. Holding them in their hands, they performed a scene from the novel "Thinking of hairpin" The innkeeper and the guests all mistook them for professional puppeteers.

On another occasion, a wealthy gentleman named Lin from Siming was celebrating his birthday. Lee was also a guest. At the banquet, they decided to choose one person as a representative to give a congratulatory speech. The chosen person needed to be known for two abundant qualities - commonly referred to as having good fortune in eight areas - to be qualified. Lee happened to be selected. He wrote a piece on red paper, with every sentence being humorous yet accessible (using "dong" as the rhyme). Before he could finish reciting, everyone was doubled over with laughter. He was truly in the league of Dongfang Shuo and Mei Gao.

His wife was Madam Ong . He has many children and grandchildren. His eldest son is doing business in Semarang 

Positions he held in his lifetime 

永春會館副主席 Vice chairman of Eng Choon Huay Kwan 





5 广告 专栏 1

南洋商报, 12 February 1934, Page 5

李忠石熱心愛國 勸孫投効祖國

星洲日報, 21 March 1939, Page 16


南洋商报, 4 May 1939, Page 7





Lee Hwan Chew

南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 18 April 1974, Page 16

Lee Hwan Chew died 16th April 1974

Mrs Lee Hwan Chew nee Tan Hui Choo 

The Straits Times, 27 October 1992, Page 32

联合早报 (Lianhe Zaobao), 28 October 1992, Page 49


Lee Tat Seng 

The Singapore Free Press, 8 December 1958, Page 3

Straits Times 17 March 2004 - 

LEE TAT SENG passed away peacefully on 15 March 2004, leaving behind loved ones

Lee Cheong Seng

Eastern Sun 

14 September 1966 - SINGAPORE. Tues. A talented chemical engineering student from here has taken first place in the second year engineering chemistry examination at Adelaide University, South Australia. He is Mr. Lee Cheong Seng, 20, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huan Cheu

21st June 1975

Lee Cheong Seng married Sharon Tay Boon Siew 

Straits Trading appoints finance man as CEO

The Business Times, 17 October 1988, Page 21

THE STRAITS TRADING Company Ltd, one of Singapore's most venerated companies, is finally preparing to flex some of its huge financial muscles, if the

latest appointment of a chief executive officer is any indication.

The company, which is headed by chairman Tan Sri Tan Chin Tuan, announced last week that it had appointed Mr Lee Cheong Seng, currently the managing director of Elders Pica Pte Ltd, for the newly-created post of CEO.

Mr Lee, who has had a long track record in the financial arena, will take up his appointment on Jan 1, 1989. He holds a first class honours degree in chemical engineering and a diploma in management studies.

He worked for Esso Singapore Refinery for five years before joining Private Investment Company for Asia (Pica) S A in June 1974.

Pica, a private multinational investment-related institution then, was taken over in 1984 by the Elders Group of Australia and renamed Elders Pica.

321 Deaths 321 Deaths

The Straits Times, 14 July 1989, Page 30

Wife : Sharon Tay Boon Siew 

Father in law : Tay Chye Huat 

Mother in law

Straits times 15 November 2000 - 

LUCY TAY nee YAP Al CHU (Wife of the late Tay Chye Huat) Age: 88 Called Home on 14 November 2000 Deeply missed and dearly remembered by: 

Brothers: Yap Jin Yau (Dr) son of Rev Yap It Tong from Segamat

Sister Yap Ai Ting 

Yap Jin Hwee



良玉與杏元紛紛獲救,卻不知彼此就在同一屋簷下,良玉為了弄丟金釵得相思病,而杏元則為意外發現的金釵感到狐疑。幸得雲英母親相助,二人有情終成眷屬,後在長輩促成下,良玉也娶得雲英,同時因為赴考,重遇春生。 良玉、春生,邱魁三人皆考上,由於盧杞、黃嵩行事囂張,被聖上發現,也都遭到刑罰,財產充公。 梅家與陳家當年冤屈也都得以平反,杏元為朝廷和番,功勞高大,也受加封,喜童代主子受死,也受到追封

Source https://dl.lib.ntu.edu.tw/s/kua-a-tsheh/item/691375#?cv=&c=&m=&s=&xywh=-377%2C878%2C1217%2C1860
