
Tan Chew Seong (陳梓仲)




 (1932 Jan 15 would be 民國廿年十二月初八日)
Burial entry 
Blk 3 Section B plot no 322
Tan Chew Seong 
60 years old
Date of Interment: 17 Jan 1932
Note : Tan Chew Seong would correspond to 陳梓仲



Chen Jiong (1872-1932), with the courtesy name Zizhong and the pseudonym Zizhang, later known as Lenggong, was from Tong'an, Fujian, and was a key member of the Singaporean literary society.  He was well-versed in traditional Chinese medicine and practiced in Singapore for many years. In his leisure time, he enjoyed composing poetry for self-expression. According to Ye Qiutao (approximately 1906-1973) in "紫杖詩稿·題紫杖詩稿" (Poems from Zizhang's Collection, with a Preface to Zizhang's Poems), Chen Jiong was "a man of tranquility and harmony in his life. His approach to poetry was similar to his character: he did not overthink or become overly anxious, resulting in a broad poetic realm; he did not worry too deeply, thus avoiding pretentiousness. His poems were simple, weighty, elegant, and skillfully crafted, reflecting his thoughts and actions. His true intentions were evident in his works."

After his passing, his collected poems were compiled and published by his son-in-law, Sun Shinan (1896-1982), as "紫杖詩稿" (Zizhang's Collection of Poems).

菽園詩集 (written from 1923 to 1929, when Khoo Seok Wan was 50 to 56 years old


Khoo Seok Wan Collected Poems (written from 1923 to 1929, when Khoo Seok Wan was 50 to 56 years old

"On Tan Chew Seong's Remaining Poems, with Advice for his Son-in-Law Sun Shinan"

As if hearing a clear, sorrowful tune on mournful strings,
You gather the scattered remnants of a few poem sheets
Though ill and useless, your body still lingers on,
Whom will inherit your thousand worries when sadness comes?

Raising a cup, the moon's shadow keeps me company,
Seeking medicinal herbs, there's no mountain where I can visit immortals.
By the meditation couch strewn with fallen flowers, your wife rests,
Still hoping for your legacy to be carried on by a virtuous son-in law

This poem is written just a few years before Tan Chew Seong passed away, in his late fifties, when his body is frail and ill.

Source :  collection poems of Khoo Seok Wan, Scoll 5


南洋商报, 9 June 1925, Page 18

陳紫杖 - 中秋夜星洲玩月 
南洋商报, 25 September 1926, Page 20



On the Mid-Autumn Night in Singapore admiring the moon
In a foreign land, autumn feelings overwhelm
West winds sigh through the rustling trees
Year after year, on this night, gazing at the bright moon
I feel my homesickness even more.



南溟島上會文星,佛殿分光照眼靑。 得句不妨浮綠螘,逃禪也許誦金經。 滔滔濁世期同醉,袞袞諸公忍獨醒。 悵惘神州爭逐鹿,願將杯酒問冥冥

Drinking at Tan Society #
Chen Jiong

On the island in the Southern Sea, a gathering of literary stars,
Buddhist temple lights divide the blue sky, refreshing the sight.
We compose verses, floating green ant wine*, carefree and light,
Escaping the world of chaos, perhaps reciting golden scriptures in quiet
In this tumultuous world, we hope to drown our sorrows together,
How can these distinguished gentlemen bear to stay sober alone ? 
 Sorrowful for the state of China, where all chase deer (power), I wish to question the vast unknown with a cup of wine

*Notes: - 

#Tan Society in this case  would refer to some kind of literary society, with Buddhist influences
*"Float green ants" refers to a drinking game where small leaves (resembling green ants) are floated on wine. When they sink, the person must drink

 "Chase power" literally "chase the deer", an idiom referring to pursuit of political power. - The last line expresses a desire to understand the mysteries of the world through drinking.

南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 1 July 1926, Page 11

On Jun 21, 1926, Tan Chew Seong was reported as a doctor setting exam topics sent to Hong Kong 

Tung Wah Hospital 4 candidates accepted and also

ranking for 10 candidates each for Hokkien and Cantonese group

Reported by Thong Chai Medical Institution 

Tan Chew Seong was also listed as practicing Chinese medicine in 39 Cecil Street in this directory 
