The Straits Times, 29 May 1875, Page 2
Here's the corrected version with spelling errors fixed, hyphens removed, and mistakes corrected:
At 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning, Sir Andrew Clarke was waited upon by a numerous deputation of the most influential members of the Chinese community, who presented him with an address from the Chinese of the three Settlements, of which the following is a translation:--
Singapore, 5th May, 1875.
His Excellency
Governor and Commander-in-Chief
of the Colony of the
Straits Settlements.
Your Excellency,
We the undersigned Chinese Merchants, Traders, and inhabitants of this Colony, being resident British subjects as well as permanent settlers in these Settlements for Commercial and other honorable and honest livelihood-seeking purposes, and therefore deeply concerned in the progress and advancement of the Settlements, having from Your Excellency's first advent to this Colony, vigilantly watched and observed with interested motives Your Excellency's prudent views with regard to local undertakings and requirements, your sound policy in relation to foreign states, your firm and energetic manner of proceeding relative thereto; and lastly, the complete success which has invariably attended your wise management of all highly important local matters and grand and grave political negotiations and arrangements with the surrounding native states consequent upon the keen penetration, intelligent discretion, ripe judgment and tact, which you have brought forward to bear upon them with the object of advancing the welfare of these Settlements and that of their inhabitants, which meet with our entire and heartiest approbation, and merit our laudation,--sorrowfully deplore that Your Excellency's enlightened and useful administration has been fated for such a brief period, or that we have been fated to realize and enjoy but a very small quota of the beneficent results of such administration. They have been so pleasing and agreeable, that your departure from among us will be deeply deplored, and create great disappointment
To testify, therefore, our high appreciation of Your Excellency's uncommon gubernatorial tact and sound policy, without expatiating or enlarging upon your other valuable and rare good qualities, and to express emphatically our sincere sorrow for our loss of your invaluable services, we unanimously consider that we cannot conscientiously perform them respectively with higher credit to Your Excellency, nor yet with more abundant benefit to ourselves, than by humbly soliciting Your Excellency to be good enough as to postpone your departure hence and await the arrival of your highly spoken of successor; and last, but not least, to divulge, disclose, explain, and communicate to him the secrets (if we may be allowed so to call the happy results of your unprecedented administration) of that tact and policy which have been, and we sincerely trust will continue to be, if exercised with prudence, moderation, and judgment, a great source of happiness and blessing not only to the sojourners of these Settlements, but also to those of the surrounding states and others connected therewith respectively.
We alternately rejoice and regret. We rejoice because Your Excellency's high merit and rare qualification have met with their due reward. We regret because we are about to lose our worthy Governor and his amiable consort, whose genial, hospitable, and graceful dispensation of hospitalities at Government House will be the grateful subject of kind remembrance when she will be far away from a number of us, and we embrace this opportunity to entreat Your Excellency to convey to Lady Clarke the candid expression of our alternate regret and congratulation, based upon our simple and illogical mode and manner of reasoning as above.
In bidding Your Excellency and Lady Clarke farewell, may we be permitted to say that both Your Excellency and her Ladyship depart from our shores accompanied with the unfeigned assurance of our united sincere wishes that good health, long life, prosperity, and all happiness, may attend both of you, and with our earnest prayer that God would prolong your years, protect and preserve your health.
With the assurance of our unabated respect
We beg to subscribe ourselves,
Your excellency’s obedient servants
Tan Kim Ching.
Seah U. Chin.
Tan Beng Swee.
Tan Seng Poh.
Seah Cheo Seah.
Koh Heng Hoon.
Lim Soh Lan.
Koo Cheng Tiong.
Gaw Eng Lin.
Chua Bian Siang.
Low Kim Pong.
Lee Soo Thut.
See Bong Lin.
Goh Sue Swee.
E Kim Teng.
Tan Pack Hock.
Koo Pat Cheng.
Koo Ho Yin.
See Guan Swee.
Chia Tuan Low
Ang Kim Chiak.
Chiang Hong Lim.
Goh Guan Loo.
Lim Chong Sian.
Low Lee Tiow.
Ong Tek Lye.
Tan Hock Eng.
Low Kee Seng.
Chia Tum.
Choo Moh Kin.
Ong Yew Hie.
Tan Ah Kee.
Lim Tiang Swee.
Lee Keng Yong.
Wee Chiow Yong.
Lim San.
Lim Hin Hock.
Lim Keat Hin.
Tan Chan Hup.
Low Chiew Team.
Chop Guan Seng.
Tan Ah Hin.
Tan Ah Quan.
Tan Ho Hoo.
Koh Choon Moh.
Tan Kiam Joo.
Yeo Kim Chee.
Chop Kiam Lee.
Wee Kim Guan.
Wee Yong Seng.
Tan Tek Tiang.
Yap Kim Poe.
Lee Cheng Yean.
Lee Jun.
Tan Loon.
Lee Loh.
Tan Ngeh.
Wee Keat.
Teo Guan Tie.
Lim Cheow.
Lim Tiang Wah
Wee Boon Tek.
Tan Kim Yean.
Ung Kew Ho.
Chia Leck.
Song Lee Kob.
Chong Soh Chiew.
Goh Ban Wat.
Chong Ho Kong.
Sim Keat Geak.
Chua Soo Hock.
Low Sum.
Tan Hun Teng.
Chan Yew Chian.
Chua Ko Soon.
Tan Wee Yean.
Toh Chuan Swee.
Tan Ann Siew.
Yeo Hoot Yew.
Low HowKim.
Yeo Hood Keng
Keo Boon Yeok.
Sin Tek Chye.
Lee Kong Wee.
Low Tek Kee.
Tan Jim Hup.
Chop Teow Hin.
Gambier & Pepper Society.
Kway E.Keong.
Seah Tek Siew.
Chop Geap Seng.
Chop Bee Seng
Kee Ah Kun.
Wee Eng Keng.
Wee Teng Tup.
Seah Ah Hoot.
Seah Chye Poh
Tan Ah Kim.
Tan Ah Poh
Tan Boon Chye.
Tan Kay Cheok
Wee Ah Kee.
Tan Hong Moh.
Ho Yang San.
Low Swee Lim.
Ong Toon Jee.
Tan Chiam Tow.
Chua Choo Pian.
Wee Say Tiam.
Lee Chew Pie.
Yeo Ah Kow.
Lim Tong Seng.
Koo Tye Hoot.
Lim Chong Guan.
Yeo Tiang Choon.
Kung Geok Chye.
Chia Poh Puan.
Chop Choon Seng.
Tan Tit Keng.
Chop Chye Seng.
Lee Pie Hup.
Wee Sey Hup.
Low Swee Beng.
Lee Soo.
Tan Koon.
Tan Chin Piow.
Low Eng Yean.
Chan Ho Hup.
Wee Ah Low.
Lim Yew Guan.
Wee Hin Chuan.
Chop Choon Lee.
Tan Hoon Chuan.
Chop Chin Guan.
Wee Boon Wat.
Koh Tian Hup.
Song Soon Guan.
Chua Yim.
Tan Lian Quee.
Ong It Keng.
Wee Bock Seng
Chua Yean Keng.
See Moh Guan.
Chee Jin Siew.
Chan Tek Chiang.
See Boon Tiong.
Lee Chee Yean.
Lee Quee Lim.
Tan Tek Guan.
Tan Boon Eng.
Wee Moh Seng.
Tan Tek Guat.
Tan Choon Bock.
Tan Soon Wat.
Yeo Kim Jeang.
Ong Pack Wan.
Tan Kay Lin.
Tan Hock Hin.
Lim Seng Geok.
Koh Eng Ann.
Lim Tuan Eng.
Chan Teang Keng.
Sim Hong Kiong.
Lim Cheng Bien.
Yeo Siew Ann.
Yeo Guan Teen.
Koo Leng Ann.
Chua Boon Kim.
Tan Hoon Chiang.
Chan Gang Swee.
Chan Seng Boo.
Chan Tiang Puay.
Tan Geok San.
Chia Kay.
Kong Ho Seng.
Teo Guan Wat.
Tan Chuan Seng.
Ung Hong Choon.
Koh Siew Keng.
Wee Hee Teat.
Sob Keng Lim.
Tan Ah Koh.
Kong Hin Liong.
Teo Wee Yew.
Lim Jee Chak.
Tian Poh Tong.
Tan Tuan Seng.
Chan Liong Wat.
Tan Kay Piew.
Koh Hoon Boh.
Wee Kim Ann.
Low Tiam.
Ong Keng Hoon.
Ang Wah Geok.
Koh Seng Hoon.
Tan Chin Seng.
Tan Chin Keat.
Chua Chuan Geok.
Tee Hoe Tong.
Kong Sim Hin.
Bun Ho Tong.
Ong Siew Kee.
E siew Choon.
Teo Ho Puay.
Kim Hock Hin.
E Hup Bee.
Tian Tek Tong.
Tan Soo Guan.
Lee New.
Soon Yew Lee.
Chan Eng Hock.
Chop Chin Bee.
Lim Geem Seng.
Chan Leong Seng.
Ong Geok Teng.
Chop Swee Hin.
Kim Tye Hin.
Chop Seng Hin.
Chua Gum.
Tan Soo Wat.
Chan Soon Leong.
Teo Eng Boo.
Wee Soo Hock.
Ong E. Chan.
Tan Boon Poh.
Wee Siow Keat.
Chop Eng Seng.
Tan Seong.
Tan Koh Soh.
Hoe Geok Luan.
Lee Keng.Leat.
Lee Swee Tek.
Tan Kye Seng.
Chop Eng Tek.
Chop Eng Leong.
Tan Teng Lam.
E Hoot Keat.
Chia Boon Swee.
Lim Tek Hee.
Lim Soo Que.
Chop Chin Wat.
Chop Kong Ho.
E. Say San.
Lee Pee Chuan.
Ho Yean Eng.
Ho Tye Hin.
Lim Soo Tian.
Koo Tye Tean.
Lim Peck Lian.
Loh Siow Huck.
Nai Gee Quee.
Ong Boon Tek.
Ong Beng Tek.
Lim Pian Peng.
Tan Eng Liang.
Gan Kim Swee.
Koh Yeow Koon.
Choo Poh Lam.
Koo Eng Tiow.
Koh Sim Kim.
Loh Kong seng.
Tan Kim Lee.
Tan Chiow Tiow.
Koo Tye Soh.
Tan Eu Peng.
Koh Kong Eng.
Lim Jin Tek.
Koo Kay Chan.
Muay Tong Ann.
Lim Seng Chiang.
Yeo E.Tien.
Toh Cheak.
Lim Tek Poh.
Lim Tek Chung.
Guan Jin Pee.
Lim Guan Siew.
Koo Jee Kieng.
Yeo Chiang Chye.
Chop Tek Seng.
Ong Hong San.
Tan Yew Chee.
Muay Yeow Kong.
Chop Ho Guan.
Chop Lee Eak.
Chop Guan Hin.
Chop Siang Ho.
Chop Guan Seng.
Pow Jut Ho.
Wee Heng Chay.
Chop Tong Ho.
Chop Sin Hup Lee.
Lim Wat Toh.
Wee Peck Leng.
Tan Beng Liang.
Chop Soon Seng.
Chop Swee Seng.
Chop Seng Wat.
Koo Tian Tek.
Chop Yin Siang.
Seng Kian Bee.
Yeo Bun Leong.
Chiew Hok Seng.
Koh Seen Wee.
Chiew Guan Hin.
Chop Seong Seng.
Chop Chye Hin.
Tan Sum Eak.
Goh Sheow Bee.
Chop Tek Wat.
Chop Seng Moh.
Chop Bun Hum.
Chop Eng Mob.
Chop Chin Soon.
Chop Keng Siang.
Chep Joo Siang.
Chop Kim Chiang.
Chop Seng Hin.
Yeo Guan Chiang
Tan Kong Tan.
Seen Tek Leong.
Tan Choo Sob.
Chia Jee Seng.
Tan Kong Yeow.
Chia Jee Tek.
Chia Guan Ann.
Chop Seng Guan.
Yeo Chin Tye.
Chop Guan Wat.
Chop Kong Liong.
Chop Heng Hin.
Tan Cheng Sun.
Chop Yeap Guan.
Chop Kong Wat.
Yeo Swee Guan.
Koo Sim Bee.
Tan Tay Yang.
Lim Kay Wat.
Cheong Lam Hin.
Goh Kong Wat.
Chop Wah Soon
Chop Kim Soon,
Chop Joo Ann.
Chop Chye Seng,
Chop Hin Lee.
Chop Guan Seng.
Ho Wee Kee.
Seem Poh coon.
Kong Guan Kee.
Sim Gee.
Hong Tek Kee.
Chop Choon Seng
Koo Bian Teen.
Lim Cheng Hup.
Yap Hup Keat.
Chop Bun Soon.
Buu Chin Hong.
Lob Ho Seng.
Chop Pin Yang.
Chop Swee Seng.
Jin Hie Tong.
Chop Joo Seng
Sin Tong Seng.
Chop Guan Seng.
Tan Say Loh
Chop Chin Wan.
Seen Tek Ann.
Chop Hin Soon.
Chop E. Seng.
Soh E.Tek.
Chop Yap Seng.
Chop Kim Guan.
Chop Bian Chin.
Chop Gee Yang.
Chop Heng Moh.
Tan Kok Hay.
Tan Kye Tian.
Tan Cheng Muay.
Tek Hong Chiang.
Chop Chin Keat.
Chop Bun Chuan.
Chop Seng Hin
Chop Soon Wat.
Lim Kay Pong.
Koo Ung Chim.
Lee B in Moh.
Koo Gee Boon.
Chiew Hin Yang.
Goh Chak Chay.
Chop Soon Hong.
Koo Kong May.
Chop Joo Wat.
Chop Gee Wat.
Chop Poon Wat.
Chop Ho Chiang.
Chop Yap Ho.
Chop Cheat Lee.
Chop Eng Seng.
Chop Bian Wat.
Chop Swee Siang.
Chop Chiat Seng.
Chop Eng Hin.
Lian Ho Hup.
Chop See Soon.
Chop Soon Tek.
Seen Chip Wat.
Chop Yap Mah.
Chop Eng Ho.
Tong Tek Chiang.
Lim Yang Tek.
Lim Swee Keat.
Chop Kim Choo.
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