
Since the 19th Century, the Qing government started to allow the people to.get some official ranks by donation for increasing its revenue. In 1877, they established the first embassy in Singapore and in
1889, there was even a price list for the ranks.
From 1877 to 1912, there were 295 ranks given to the Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia (only a rare few got them on merit, the rest donate them.
一品光禄大夫,后改荣禄大夫。First Rank
正二品资政大夫。从二品通奉大夫。Second Rank
正三品通议大夫。从三品中议大夫。Third Rank
正四品中宪大夫。从四品朝议大夫。Fourth Rank
正五品奉政大夫。从五品奉直大夫。Fifth Rank
正六品承德郎。从六品儒林郎,吏员出身者宣德郎。 Sixth Rank
正七品文林郎,吏员出身者宣议郎。从七品徵仕郎。Seventh Rank
正八品修职郎。从八品修职佐郎。Eighth Rank
正九品登仕郎。从九品登仕佐郎 Ninth Rank
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