Pan Xiao Lan: A Pioneering Businessman and Community Leader from Fuzhou
Pan Xiao Lan (1903-1966), a native of Minhou County, Fujian Province, was a prominent businessman and community leader in Singapore. Known for his bold nature and willingness to take on challenges, Pan ventured to Singapore in his early years to pursue business opportunities.
Pan's entrepreneurial spirit led him to establish and manage the successful Yuelan Pavilion Coffee House, located at 101 Hill Street and 351/353 North Bridge Road next to Odeon Theatre. It was a nostalgic coffee house downtown where one can indulge in good food and drinks after a movie. His business acumen and social skills contributed to the thriving enterprise. Beyond his commercial success, Pan was deeply committed to community welfare and public service.
Throughout his life, Pan held numerous leadership positions in various organizations. He served as the President of the Siwei Club, Vice Chairman of the Nanyang Pan Clan Association's Real Estate Trust Committee, and held executive roles in the Fuzhou Association, Fuzhou Chamber of Commerce, and Fuzhou Coffee and Bar Merchants Association.
Pan's sudden passing at the age of 63 was met with great sorrow by the community. His legacy as a successful businessman, generous philanthropist, and dedicated community leader continues to be remembered and honored in Singapore's Chinese community.
Here's the English translation of the tomb epitaph:
Pan Xiao Lan
How great is Pan Xiao Lan
A remarkable talent of our homeland
Breaking waves across ten thousand miles
On the Yuelan Pavilion ship
Striving and managing with vigor
Seeking value through frugality
Counting the days to success
Engaging in public welfare
Representing righteousness and practicing benevolence
Now lying in this grave
His virtuous reputation forever endures
Inscribed by Yang Ruihong
This epitaph honor Pan praising his character, achievements, and contributions to society. It mentions his journey across great distances, his business acumen, frugality, and dedication to public service. The epitaph concludes by stating that his virtuous reputation will last forever.

潘君孝蘭,福建省閩侯縣亭頭縝笏山鄉人也,素性豪爽,勇於任事,早歲南来,致力商務,經營月蘭亭酒吧餐室,長袖善舞,業務鼎盛,生平亦颇致力於同鄉公益,凡有捐輸,不落人後,歷任四維俱樂部總理,並任南洋潘氏總會副主席蒹產業信托委員,福州會館慈善股副主任,福州商業公會實業股正主任,福州咖啡酒餐商公會監察委員,及建委會執委等耍職,君體碩健,年富有為,疾作前タ,尚與友輩週旋,談笑自若,忽傳噩耗,斯人溘逝,聞者不信,迨事証實,莫不感慨惋惜,君逝於一月廿三日上午十時,享壽積間六旬有三,遺屬或隨侍在側,或在原籍家居,茲悉喪家涓定一月三十日(星期日)下午二時發引還山,安葬於福建咖啡山之原,君生前交遊極廣,爲特代往弔唁執紼,以表哀忱,此告。訃知交戚友,希依期前往弔唁執紼,以表哀忱, 此告
Pan Jun Xiao Lan, a native of Hutou Village, Baishan Township, Minhou County, Fujian Province, was known for his generous and bold nature, and his willingness to take on responsibilities. In his early years, he came to the South and devoted himself to business, managing the Orchid Terrace Bar and Restaurant. He was skilled in social interactions, and his business thrived.
Throughout his life, he was dedicated to community welfare, never falling behind in charitable contributions. He served as the President of the Siwei Club, Vice Chairman of the Nanyang Pan Clan Association's Real Estate Trust Committee, Vice Director of the Charity Department of the Fuzhou Association, Director of the Industry Department of the Fuzhou Chamber of Commerce, Supervisory Committee Member of the Fuzhou Coffee and Bar Merchants Association, and Executive Committee Member of the Construction Committee, among other positions.
Mr. Pan was in good health and in the prime of his life. The evening before his passing, he was still socializing with friends, laughing and talking as usual. The news of his sudden death was met with disbelief, and upon confirmation, deep regret and sorrow.
He passed away at 10 AM on January 23rd, at the age of 63. Some family members were by his side, while others were at their ancestral home. The funeral is scheduled for Sunday, January 30th at 2 PM, with burial at the family plot on Coffee Hill in Toa Payoh
Mr. Pan had a wide circle of friends during his lifetime. This notice serves to inform relatives and friends, inviting them to attend the funeral to pay their respects and express their condolences.
小坡奧迪安戲院右鄰 月蘭亭咖啡店被焚 損失估計達二萬元
南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 15 October 1970, Page 22

351 353 North Bridge Road, next to Odeon Theatre
A remarkable talent of our homeland
Breaking waves across ten thousand miles
On the Yuelan Pavilion ship
Striving and managing with vigor
Seeking value through frugality
Counting the days to success
Engaging in public welfare
Representing righteousness and practicing benevolence
Now lying in this grave
His virtuous reputation forever endures
Inscribed by Yang Ruihong
This epitaph appears to honor a man named Pan Gong, praising his character, achievements, and contributions to society. It mentions his journey across great distances, possibly as a merchant or explorer, his business acumen, frugality, and dedication to public service. The epitaph concludes by stating that his virtuous reputation will last forever.
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