

瓊洲 (Hainan) 
民國廿七年戊寅嵗六月吉旦1938 lunar 6 month 

瓊洲 (Hainan) 
民國廿七年戊寅嵗六月吉旦1938 lunar 6 month 




南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 26 June 1938, Page 5



本坡瓊人張家仁,字壽山,別號問先,一熱國家社會事業之也,自幼畢業英文學校第八位,精通中文,爲日里銀行經理,同盟會會,現為同德報訓員,張氏書報社總理,以勤儉档得,冷金埠置有樹膠園約百伊岩 (acre),佣工十有餘人,每星期必親住一次視察, 近因膠價低落, 擬將原日工人略為更換, 廿三日午後前往辦此事, 不料與工人發生爭執,竟被刺傷初往居■醫院,張君認為不妥即轉僱汽車送入新山醫院,因路途遠,時間長,扺院時,精神巳極疲乏,險象更甚,張夫人得訊,率兒女趨視僅聞呻吟之聲,巳不能言語,醫者早料無望,



Here is the English translation of the Chinese text:

Zhang Jiaren, resident here who hailed from Hainan, with the courtesy name Shoushan and the alias Wenxian, was a passionate advocate for national and social causes. He graduated eighth in his class in English school and was proficient in Chinese. He worked as a manager at 日理 bank and was a member of the Tongmenghui (Chinese Revolutionary Alliance) .  Currently, he is a correspondent for the  United Chinese Library (Thong Tek Che Poh Soh) and the director of the Zhang's Press. 

Known for his diligence and frugality, Zhang owns a rubber plantation of about 100 acres in Rengam area , employing more than ten workers. He personally visits the plantation every week  for inspection. Recently, due to the low rubber prices, he planned to reduce the some of the workers. On the 23rd, he went to the plantation in the afternoon to handle this matter, but unexpectedly got into a dispute with the workers and was stabbed.

Initially, he was sent to a local hospital, but Zhang felt it was inappropriate and hired a car to transfer him to the hospital in Johor Bahru. Due to the long distance and time, he was extremely exhausted and in a critical condition when he arrived at the hospital. Upon receiving the news, Zhang's wife rushed to the hospital with their children, only to hear his groans, as he was unable to speak. The doctor had long anticipated no hope for recovery.

Zhang passed away at 6 a.m. this morning at the hospital. Due to the procedures related to his remains, his body was only transported back to his residence at No. 2, 26th Lor, Geylang , at 4 p.m. He was 59 years old and is survived by four sons and three daughters.

The funeral is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, the 25th, in the morning, with the burial taking place at the Municipal Council Cemetery.

Burial Entry

Chong Kai Jin

Age 58 years 


Death date 25.6.38

Blk 4 C plot no 782

This tomb is exhumed 

From.the report , he has 4 sons and 3 daughters 

Based on his age 58 years he would not have so many grandchildren. So these are desired prospective names 

If the sons are named 天下太平 meaning peace for the world 

Then 界世族民興復 

and 後裕前昌同大

界世族民興復 -> 復興民族世界 

Translation: Revive the nation and the world

後裕前昌同大 -> 大同昌前裕後 

Translation: Great harmony, prosperity for the present and the future

These phrases used in Chinese tombstone inscriptions, express wishes for the revival and prosperity of the nation and the world, as well as the hope for a harmonious and thriving future for the descendants of the deceased.
