南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 7 August 1957, Page 7
Eng Choon Association Memorial Tablet in Malacca
A Memorial Tablet To Commemorate The 200th Anniversary Of The Malacca Eng Choon Association
Our Association, one of the earliest clan organisations in Malacca,was inaugurated in A.D. 1800. Prior to its establishment, an Eng Choonclansman Tan Seng Liu had made a small fortune as an itinerant traderup residence. By the year 1800, the Association was founded,to enhancekinship and to provide welfare services for the many fellow-countrymen whoOversea Chinese in the Eng Choon Section of the Fukien Annals.
According'to available documents, our rented Association,'premisesbefore 1875 was rather shabby. It was bought over in that year and underwenta major renovation with richly adorned decorations and memorials at a costof $10047.1475, a huge amount then.
Eng Choon clansmen had a tradition of excellent scholastic achievements.In 1619 during the Ming Dynasty,Chng Che Chiong from Haw Yeo Village rankedwho was adjudged 3rd position in 1793. 3 ornamental plaques hang in the Associationpremises to commemorate their outstanding success.
Owing to lack of documentary records. Presidents and other office-bearersof the Association since its inception in 1800 to 1874 were untraceable. From 1875to 1917, the Presidents were respectively Lee Kwee Lim and his son Kheng Liat.1941), Tay Aik Liok (1947-1957), Datuk Lau Leong (1957-1975)and incumbent DatukTan Cheng Swee since 1975.
For the past 200 years, our Association had experienced. various trials andtribulations. Nevertheless, it had persevered and continued to carry out manyactivities to benefit its members and to serve the community at large.Among its manysocial, educational and charitable projects were the establishment of Yok Bin Primaryand Secondary Schools (which had to date received financial aid of more than 10million Ringgit from the Association and the Eng Choop community for their variousdevelopment projects), the provision of a funeral parlour and burial ground, and thefoundation of funds for scholarships and bursaries for primary and secondary schoolstudents.
To cater to the younger generation,the Youth Wing was formed in 1972 followedby the Women's Section in 1995. The 'Association does not hold activities for its membersonly. It had also organised meetings and conventions for the Eng Choon clan on arenovation not only for our 200th anniversary celebration, but also in conjunction with9th and 10th of September, 2000.
This latest renovation and beautification of our premises also saw a pair of deftlythe incumbent President Datuk Tan Cheng Swee; a green-stone table with attendantdecorative 8 immortals and 8 stools from Vice President Datuk Wira Gan Boon Leong;a couple of stone lions and another pair of twining dragons at the altar hall offeredby Vice President Tay Kim Pong: a pair of stone lions at the entrance with compliments fromVice President Datuk Tee Eng Tuan together with another set of.green stone8-immortal table and stools presented by Vice President Khoo Kim Sem.
instituting a Higher Éducation Loan Fund of RM 500,000.00 to enable needy students tofurther their studies in establishments of tertiary learning.
While the past Presidents, office-bearers and members had sacrificed andin Malacca also co-operated well with the School Boards to make both Yok Bin PrimaryDatuk Lau Leong especially had contributed considerable financial support to these twoBoard Chairman of these two schools has been rendering invalable services for morethan 40 years through his energetic efforts and zealous dedication ro lift the Associationand the schools to new heights. This commemorative tablet serves to honour mempry ofthe determined perseverance and selfless devorion of these distinguished leaders of theEng Choon community. May it also motivate the younger and future generations toemulate their fine attributes and good deeds.
The 200th Anniversary Celebration Committee
Malacca Eng Choon Association
Datuk Tan Cheng Swee,D.USM, D.ESJ,JP,KSJ.
Honorary Secretary:
Lim Guan Swee,KM.N.B.KT.J.P. PB.B.,O.SLJ.
第3页 广告 专栏 1
南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 2 December 1926, Page 3
第3页 广告 专栏 1
南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 15 December 1926, Page 3
Malacca Guardian, 11 February 1929, Page 7
馬六甲聞人鄭奕略 承母命施送銀米
南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 12 June 1937, Page 9
馬六甲聞人鄭奕略 承母命施送銀米
南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 12 June 1937, Page 9
Brothers Tay Aik Liok and Tay Aik Seng celebrate their mother Mdm Lim 90 birthday
國民政府: 褒揚馬六甲鄭林氏 慈惠延齡
南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 20 July 1937, Page 11
甲永僑鄭奕禧 令堂逝世 享壽九十二歲
星洲日报 (Sin Chew Jit Poh), 4 April 1939, Page 18
南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 6 February 1950,
Page 7
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Malaya Tribune, 21 August 1950, Page 3
南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 24 February 1951, Page 8
南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 12 August 1959, Page 12
Tay Aik Seng Family
Mrs Tay Aik.Seng
南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 17 March 1960, Page 9
Mdm Low Bee Lian wife of Tay Aik Seng
Age 57
Died at 70 Heeren Street on Mar 10, 1960
Mother of
Tay Seck Sin
Tay Seck Long
Stepmother of
Tay Say Geok
Tay Say Keng
Malaya Tribune, 27 June 1949, Page 1
Page 2 Advertisements Column 6
The Straits Times, 12 February 1953, Page 2
南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 7 June 1959, Page 12
Brother and sister will join four other members of family at college
The Singapore Free Press, 5 July 1961, Page 4
南洋商报 (Nanyang Siang Pau), 24 December 1969, Page 16
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