Tan Tock Seng father

Tan Tock Seng father  陳卓生(陳篤生)之父
Tan Guat Teong 陳月中

道光嵗次辛丑年暮春月穀旦 (1841 3rd moon auspicious day)
顯考謚懐德陳公之墓 Honorable Father Tan Huai Teck (posthumous name)
男 Sons 
陳有郎 Tan Oo Long 
陳卓生 Tan Tock Seng 
女 Daughters 
陳緣娘 Tan Yan Neo 
承重孫 Grandson (son of deceased eldest son)
源珍 Tan Guan Tin 
孫 Grandsons 
水源 Tan Swee Guan 
太原 Tan Tye Guan 
金鐘 Tan Kim Ching
三原 Tan Sam Guan 
瑞林 Tan Swee Lim 
發源 Tan Whatt Guan 

From zupu, Tan Guat Teong was born
 Born 1775 2nd moon 19th day)
父乳月中字永耀行一享壽八十五嵗 (85 years)
Died 1839 10th moon 4th day 

85 years should be error , 65 years should be correct based on the birth / death date

Buried in St John’s Hill, Melaka 
