Quah Cheow Kay

Quah Cheow Kay 

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1

Syonan Shimbun, 9 August 1945, Page 2

Burial entry

Bukit Brown Blk 4 C P403

Age 62 years 

Quah Cheow Kay was the son of Quah Beng Hong and Mdm Khoo Saw Paik Neo (daughter of Khoo Tiong Poh) 



Malaya Tribune., 7 November 1925, Page 6

Grateful Squatters.

The Straits Times, 9 November 1925, Page 10

The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 22 January 1927, Page 53

Messrs Quah Cheow Kay, Cheow Moh and family beg to thank those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs Quah Beng Hong nee Khoo Saw Paik Neo

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1

The Straits Times, 19 July 1937, Page 2

Dr Quah Boo Ghee, younger son of Mr and Mrs Quah Cheow Kay to Miss Ang Chin Choo, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Ang Siang Ghee


The Straits Times, 28 May 1956, Page 6

Mrs Quah Cheow Kay, aged 73 years at 71, Sri Bahari Road, Penang on 27 - 5 -56, beloved mother of Quah Boo Teik, Dr Quah Boo Ghee and Mrs Khoo Siah Inn.

The Straits Budget, 7 February 1952, Page 5

Grandmother of Quah Boo Chee - Tan Bong Chee age 81 (born circa 1871)
