Hoe Eng Whatt and Koh Keng Hay

Hoe Eng Whatt and Koh Keng Hay 
Hoe Eng Watt

民國十五年丙寅九月吉旦 (1926)

Blk 1 B, plot No 82
Date of Death 15 Oct 1926
Date of Burial 16 Oct 1926
Age 47 years 

Mrs Hoe Eng Whatt
nee Koh Keng Hay Neo 


The Straits Times, 18 December 1939, Page 2

Burial Entry
Blk 1 B, Plot No 83

Date of Death 17 Dec 1939

Date of Burial 21 Dec 1939
Elder Brother: Koh Hoon Teck

孝男 Sons

清賢 Hoe Cheng Yan 

清興 Hoe Cheng Hin 

Adopted son 

Koh Keng Leng 

女 Daughters

玉記 Hoe Geok Kee Mrs Chin Chye Fong 

玉英 Hoe Geok Eng Mrs Ee Kim Guan 

玉興 Hoe Geok Hin Mrs Peck Teck Chee 

玉鳳 Hoe Geok Hong Mrs Lim Chong Beng 

玉水 Hoe Geok Swee (Mrs Koh Lye Hock) 


Sons in law 

Chin Chye Fong

Ee Kim Guan

Peck Teck Chee

Lim Chong Beng 

Koh Lye Hock 

Hoe Eng Whatt was said to be the pioneer of Stangee incense, the aromatic incense used by Peranakan households during weddings and other occasions. There is a road Lorong Stangee named after this incense.
