Mrs Tan nee Masiyah 陳門馬士野

陳門馬士野 Mrs Tan nee Masiyah 

民國廿三年四月初九日 ( 21 May 1934) 


孝女 Daughter 
陳迎娘 Tan Gin Neo 
女孫 Granddaughter 
張金蓮 Teo Kim Lian 

Burial entry 
Blk 2 C plot no 125
Japanese converted to Chinese 
81 years old
ie born circa 1853 

Update :

A descendant of Cheong Koon Seng informed that Masiyah was married to a relative of Cheong Koon Seng. When her husband died at sea, she was invited to stay with him at his house 299 River Valley Road (Valleyside)

One possibility is that Masiyah husband Mr Tan was related to Mrs Cheong Ann Bee who was Tan Huay Neo. Tan Huay Neo was also born around 1853 
Maybe Masiyah married Tan Huay Neo’s brother.

Mrs Cheong Ann Bee, Cheong Koon Seng, Mrs Cheong Koon Seng was buried in Blk 2 C plot no 120, 121, 122.  There was a big plot 123, 124 reserved for his brother Cheong Koon Hong who was buried else where as he became a Christian. Mrs Tan nee Masiyah must be a close member of Cheong Koon Seng family to be given a family plot , plot no 125 
