Tay Choe Kay and Koh Seck Lwee

Died 29-7-1939, aged 52 years
Tay Choe Kay was son of Tay Yiat Suat, sister of Tay Pan Peng who was son of Tay Ho Swee

Wife : Koh Seck Lwee
Died 29-7-1939, aged 52 years
Tay Choe Kay was son of Tay Yiat Suat, sister of Tay Pan Peng who was son of Tay Ho Swee
Wife : Koh Seck Lwee
Died 26th December 1948, Age 51 years

Malaya Tribune, 28 March 1934, Page 10
Mrs Wee Choo Kian (nee Tay Yiap Suat alias Bee Bee) beloved mother of the late
Mr Wee Guan Choon, passed away peacefully at No 175 Keng Lee Road, at 3.13 pm on
Monday March 26 at the age of 75. She leaves behind one brother Mr Tay Pan Peng, two sons
Wee Leong Chuan and Tay Choe Kay, two daughters four daughters in law, two sons in law. several grandchildren and great grandchildren
Mr Wee Guan Choon, passed away peacefully at No 175 Keng Lee Road, at 3.13 pm on
Monday March 26 at the age of 75. She leaves behind one brother Mr Tay Pan Peng, two sons
Wee Leong Chuan and Tay Choe Kay, two daughters four daughters in law, two sons in law. several grandchildren and great grandchildren
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