Chew Joon Hiang 周潤亨 and His Family

Chew Joon Hiang 周潤亨

Chew Joon Hiang 

Pics and write up of Heap Eng Moh taken from Twenty Century impressions of British Malaya

Heap Eng Moh & Co.

The firm trading under this name is one of the oldest and most important of Chinese steamship 

agencies in the colony. Established more than thirty years ago, it has played an important part in the development of the local coastal trade, and, of late years, in the trade with Java and Chinese

ports. The managing partner is Mr. Chew Joon Hiang. The fleet which the company represent consists of the Zweena and Evendale (owned by Mr. Chew Joon Hiang) and the Giang Ann, Giang Seng, Merapi, and Simongan (owned by the Samarang Steamship Navigation Company). 

These vessels maintain a regular fortnightly service between Singapore and Batavia, Cheribon, and Samarang, and a monthly service between Singapore, Swatow,

and Amoy. They have good accommodation for all classes of passengers. The Merapi,

which is on the China run, is a very up-to-date boat, and can carry 48 first class, 24 second class, and 1,200 deck passengers.

The principal partner of the Samarang Steamship Navigation Company is Mayor Oei Teong Ham, a native and resident of Java, and a Dutch subject, who

owns several sugar plantations in Java and is one of the best known merchants in the Dutch colony. He has, also, a saw-mill at Kallang Road, Singapore, and other interests in the Straits Settlements. At the Singapore office Mr. Lee Hoon Leong is the right-hand man in the

shipping business. He is a native of Singapore and speaks English perfectly, having finished

his education at Raffles School.

Heap Eng Moh office at 22 Telok Ayer Street 

From Song Ong Siang book - One Hundred Years’ History of the Chinese in Singapore 

Chew Joon Hiang, on the other hand, concentrated his attention on the business of shipowner and ship's agent. He started chop Heap Eng Moh in 1880, and for many years was consignee of German and Austrian steamers trading to China and Dutch ports. In 1912 he sold the business to Mr Oei Tiong Ham, the Chinese Mayor of Samarang, who converted it into a limited liability company under the name of the Heap Eng Moh Steamship Co Ltd, owning the largest share there-

in. Mr Chew Joon Hiang became the first managing director. This line of steamers runs between Singapore and Java, the fleet consisting of the Giang Seng, Ban Hong Liong, Edendale, Ban Poh Guan, Giang Ann and Soon Ann. The present managing director of the Heap Eng Moh SS Co Ltd is Mr Lee Hoon Leong, who was born in Singapore in 1873 and educated at Raffles Institution. He has the distinction of being the father of Dr Lee Choo Neo, the first Straits Chinese lady who qualified from the local Medical School.

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4

The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 30 March 1914, Page 2

Lat Pau, May 2, 1916 news 

Obituary Notice

1916 May 2 

Chew Joon Hiang 

Former Chinese Chamber of Commerce committee member 

Tao Nan School Director 

Po Keung Kok member 

Born in 1850, age 66

Died on Apr 28, 1916, at his residence at Amoy Street “Chop Kimsha”  金沙號, Kim Sha is his ancestry place 

Born 1851, age 66, leaving behind his principal wife and other wives.

He has 12 sons but the first two predecessed him, 

4 daughters , 8 grandsons , 7 granddaughters and 1 great grandson . 

Funeral May 7 to Alexandra Cemetery 

Hokkien colleagues 

See Tiong Wah 

Lim Kwee Eng 


Tan Sian Cheng 


See Boo Ih 




Khoo Siok Wan


Chew Joo Chiat 

Based on this obituary, it is clear Chew Joon Hiang death date should be 28th Apr 1916 and not 28 May 1916 


The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 27 June 1923, Page 405

Mrs Chew Joon Hiang nee Lee Peck Neo


文田 Chew Boon Tian 
文墨 Chew Boon Bek
文山 Chew Boon San
文沙 Chew Boon Sah
文英 Chew Boon Eng
文錫 Chew Boon Siak
介福 Chew Kai Hock 

Lee Peck Neo
Date of death 4.3.26
Blk 1 G 177
74 years 
(ie born circa 1852)

From the age, Lee Peck Neo should be the first wife and Lim Guat Hoe Neo the second wife
(see below)

One of Chew Joon Hiang daughter Chew Ai Lian married to Kum Cheng Soo (also buried in Bukit Brown) 

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1

Malaya Tribune., 3 June 1918, Page 7

Died 28th May 1916

115 Telok Ayer Street

Lim Tiong See Neo (29 Tank Road)

Action Between Partners.

The Straits Times, 27 October 1922, Page 10


The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 9 July 1926, Page 9

Chew Kai Hock was the eldest grandson of Chew Joon Hiang 


南洋商报, 2 March 1929, Page 4

掛沙 Estate Executor

Cheong Koon Seng,

周文田 Chew Boon Tian 
Another wife name is mentioned here : Quah Gin Loo (Quah Goon Loo)

Quah Gin Loo is mentioned in the archives as having passed away on 26th December 1929, late of 20 Amoy Street 

Page 16 Advertisements Column 3

Malaya Tribune, 10 April 1933, Page 16


Syonan Shimbun, 11 November 1944, Page 2

Wife : Lim Guat Hoe Neo

238 Telok Ayer Street

Burial Entry

73 years old

1A 1167 (Coronation Road Cemetery)

ie born circa 1871
