Oei Tiong Ham Family

Oei Tiong Ham Family Ancestral Tablet 黃仲涵家族神主牌

Oei Tjie Sien and Tjan Bien Nio. 
(Pic from the book Raja Gula Oei Tiong Ham)

Oei Tjie Sien was said to be a supply logisitics officer belong to the Little Dagger Society (小刀会), a rebel society fighting againt the Qing government.  In 1858,  at the age of 23, he together with 2 brothers, escaped from the war and sailed to Semarang.  

When he became rich, he bought the land surrounding the ancient Sampo Kong Temple for public use.  The foundation of Sampo Kong Temple was built when Admiral Cheng Ho of the Ming dynasty visited Semarang during the early 1400s.

(Pic taken at Sam Poo Kong, Semarang) 

Gedung Batu Sam Poo Kong
Yongzhen 2nd year 10th Moon (1724)

Most likely Oei Tjie Sien in Qing dynasty official dress
(pic taken at Hotel Tugu Malang, Kota Malang)

It is not uncommon for rich businessman from Nanyang to buy Qing dynasty titles during the late Qing dynasty period even though they may be earlier pro Ming anti Qing elements.

From the ancestral tablets of Oei Tjen Sien and his wife, it should be a third rank Qing official title 

Oei Tjie Sien 1835 - 1900

Pics of ancestral tablets taken at Peranakan museum, Singapore 

仲潛 Oei Tiong Chiam
仲涵 Oei Tiong Ham
仲鵬 Oei Tiong Bhing
淑娘 Oei Siok Neo (Mrs Go Boen Koan)
琨娘 Oei Khoon Neo (Mrs Lim Ie Ging) 
璞娘 Oei Bok Neo (Mrs Goei Keh Ho) 
琛娘 Oei Thiem Neo (Mrs The Tik Gwan) 

孫 (Grandsons)

宗愷 Oei Tiong Kai
宗悌 Oei Tiong Tee
宗宣 Oei Tiong Swan
宗猷 Oei Tiong Yoe
宗忠 Oei Tiong Tiong married Lim Nee Soon daughter Lim Chit Geck
宗孝 Oei Tiong Hauw
宗廉 Oei Tiong Liam
宗節 Oei Tiong Tjiat
宗燕 Oei Tiong Yan
宗翼 Oei Tiong Ik
宗詒 Oei Tiong Ie
宗謀 Oei Tiong Bo
宗雄 Oei Tiong Hiong
宗才 Oei Tiong Chye

Mrs Oei Tjen Sien nee Madam Chan Bit Neo (Tjan Bien Neo)


仲涵 Oei Tiong Ham
仲鵬 Oei Tiong Bhing
淑娘 Oei Siok Neo (Mrs Go Boen Koan)
琨娘 Oei Khoon Neo (Mrs Lim Ie Ging) 
璞娘 Oei Bok Neo (Mrs Goei Keh Ho) 
琛娘 Oei Thiem Neo (Mrs The Tik Gwan) 

宗愷 Oei Tiong Kai
宗悌 Oei Tiong Tee
宗宣 Oei Tiong Swan
宗猷 Oei Tiong Yoe
宗忠 Oei Tiong Tiong married Lim Nee Soon daughter Lim Chit Geck
宗孝 Oei Tiong Hauw
宗廉 Oei Tiong Liam
宗節 Oei Tiong Tjiat

Oei Tiong Ham and his favorite wife Ho Kiem Hwa (1901 - 1965)  
From the age of her first born Oei Tiong Ie, Oei Tiong Ham would have married her when he was around 51 and she was 17.
She borne him 4 sons and 1 daughter , and was pregnant with her last son Oei Tiong Tjay when her husband died in June 1924.  

Pic taken at Hotel Tugu Malang, Kota Malang

黃仲涵 1866 - 1924

男 Sons
宗悌 Oei Tiong Tee
宗宣 Oei Tiong Swan
宗猷 Oei Tiong Yoe
宗忠 Oei Tiong Tiong married Lim Nee Soon daughter Lim Chit Geck
宗孝 Oei Tiong Hauw
宗廉 Oei Tiong Liam
宗節 Oei Tiong Tjiat
宗燕 Oei Tiong Yan
宗翼 Oei Tiong Ik
宗詒 Oei Tiong Ie
宗謀 Oei Tiong Bo
宗雄 Oei Tiong Hiong
孝女 Daughters
琮娘 Oei Tiong Neo
慧娘 Oei Hui Lan (Mrs Wellington Koo)
蔡娘 ?  Oei Hwan Neo
溫娘 Oei Oen Neo
良娘 Oei Liang Neo
秀娘 Oei Sioe Neo
雪娘 Oei Swat Neo (Mrs Goei Ing Hoen, daughter of Goei Keh Ho) 
恭娘 Oei Kiong Neo
敏娘 Oei Bien Nio
英娘 Oei Ing Neo
端娘 Oei Twan Neo
祥娘 Oei Siang Neo
孝孫 Grandsons

Oei Hui Lan (Madam Wellington Koo) 
1889 - 1992

Pic taken at Hotel Tugu Malang, Kota Malang

Oei Tiong Ham’s favorite daughter Oei Hui Lan. She was married to Wellington Koo, a diplomat who briefly became President of China for a short period in 1926/27, making her the First Lady of China for a while. She was from Oei Tiong Ham first wife,  Goei Bing Nio

Note:  Oei Tiong Ham grandsons name has a certain  sequence which would be prepared before they were born. The Chinese names have characters which meant good conduct and character and loyalty to one country and family 


愷悌 - happy and easy going


宣猷 -  reasonable and good judgement


忠孝廉節 - loyalty to one parents and country, upright and moral integrity

燕翼詒謀 - preparing for descendants' future

雄才 - outstanding ability 

Using Chinese dictionary : https://www.zdic.net/


The Straits Times, 4 June 1924, Page 9

5 Dalvey Road


Oei Tjie Sien