Dr Cuthbert Arthur Stanley

Dr Cuthbert Arthur Stanley 

In Memory of
Dr Cuthbert Arthur Stanley 
Born at Kinckley Lecicestershire 
2nd April 1903
Died in Singapore 
At the hands of the Kempatai 
29th November 1943 
His conduct merited the highest praise 
Erected by his wife his family and his friends 

Physician and War Prisoner who died from Torture
“If ever a man deserved the Victoria Cross 
Stanley did” - Leonard Wilson,
Anglican Bishop of Singapore 
And Survivor of the Double Tenth 


  1. It's very inetresting to find this blog. I live a few miles from Hinckley, where Dr Stanley was from. In Hinckley Cemetery his name can be found on a family headstone. The inscription says he "...died a cruel death at the hands of the Japanese Military Police". Researching his story I found this blog and was pleased to see he has a headstone.

  2. Born at Hinckley, Leicestershire.


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