Yeo Beng Teck and Yeo Hock Kiat

My Noble Boy
Age 5 Yrs
Yeo Hock Kiat
Died December
According to family birth records, Hock Kiat was born on 2 Jan 1942 . If he died at age 5 years, that means 1947
In Loving Memory of
Yeo Beng Teck
Died on 24.3.1959
Aged 71 years
Lee Ah Chiang
Tan Nicolin
Malaya Tribune, 15 July 1935, Page 13
Yeo Beng Teck second son Yeo Hock Thye married TEO Peck Guat, daughter of TEO Kim Guan
Yeo Beng Teck and his wife and his ancestors’ niche are currently at Choa Chu Kang Columbarium E-0119
Using colourise SG, from the tomb inscriptions and genealogy records and descendant help : Family of Yeo Beng Teck (Ai Lin’s brother). Yeo Beng Teck and wife tomb has been exhumed from CCK
L to R
Nicolin Tan (1st wife), Yeo Hock Leong, Lee Ah Chiang (2nd wife) Yeo Hock San (baby), Swee Hock (Nicolin’s daughter), Yeo Beng Teck and Yeo Hock Thye