
The Straits Times 14 Aug 1909
Messrs Chia Cheng Hoe and Chia Cheng Jin of No 35 Chin Chew Street, beg to thank their many friends for their kind attendance at the funeral of their beloved mother, yesterday
宣統元年已酉六月吉旦立 1909
清和 Chia Cheng Hoe
清亨 Chia Cheng Jin
雲娘 Chia Hoon Neo
金源 Chia Kim Guan
月娘 Chia Guat Neo
清和 Chia Cheng Hoe
清亨 Chia Cheng Jin
雲娘 Chia Hoon Neo
金源 Chia Kim Guan
月娘 Chia Guat Neo
In Loving Memory of
The Beloved Mother of
Chia Cheng Hoe
Chia Cheng Jin
The Beloved Mother of
Chia Cheng Hoe
Chia Cheng Jin
Yeo Gin Neo
Died on 9th August 1909
Age 43 Years
The Straits Times 14 Aug 1909
Messrs Chia Cheng Hoe and Chia Cheng Jin of No 35 Chin Chew Street, beg to thank their many friends for their kind attendance at the funeral of their beloved mother, yesterday